Skin Biorevitalization after summertime
After a hot summer, our skin needs additional "moisture" more than ever
Dehydrated skin, a network of fine wrinkles, hyperpigmentation - all these problems are aggravated after exposure to the sun, and for this it is not even necessary to sunbathe at seaside resorts, it is enough to spend the summer in the city, in everyday worries, and get the same result.
One of the first choice procedures is biorevitalization, which copes with the effects of excessive sun exposure as well as possible.
Biorevitalization - is a microinjections of hyaluronic acid, in order to restore the hydration balance of the skin.
Already from the very definition it becomes obvious that the procedure is shown to almost everyone as a routine skin care.
As for photodamaged skin, biorevitalization affects almost all links in the pathogenesis of this process, protecting cells from free radicals that are formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation of the sun, damaging cells and collagen, moisturizing the skin after exhausting heat and ultraviolet radiation, stimulating the formation of its own hyaluronic acid , as well as fibroblast cells that produce young collagen and elastin fibers.

Biorevitalization is mostly in demand for the face, neck, décolleté, arms, i.e. in open areas most susceptible to the negative influence of environmental factors. The procedure is performed on any area of the skin requiring attention (abdomen, thighs, buttocks...).
For a good result, the procedure is performed 3-4 times, with a multiplicity of times every 2 weeks. The result lasts from 6 months to a year with proper further skin care.
Biorevitalization has also proven itself perfectly in complex programs for skin restoration after peelings, laser resurfacing, fractional rejuvenation, in acne treatment programs, as a non-specific immunomodulator, and much more. Photorejuvenation in combination with biorevitalization have proven themselves well in the autumn-winter period, as a rehabilitation after aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin and as a prophylaxis photoaging and chrono aging of the skin.
The tolerance of biorevitalization is usually good, because hyaluronic acid, which is the basis of the drug, does not cause allergies, since it is synthesized by genetic engineering, and not extracted from animals. Therefore, it is not perceived by our body as a foreign gene.
Contraindications include severe somatic diseases in the acute stage, pregnancy, dermatological diseases.
You shouldn't postpone taking care of your own beauty, because it is much easier to prevent a problem than to deal with existing ones.