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Tear Trough Filler Treatment

Tear Trough Filler Treatment

Tear trough filler treatment an injection procedure for filling the nasolacrimal sulcus with filler to reduce its depth.

Modern injection techniques allow to fight the effect of tired eyes without surgery without long-term rehabilitation and complications.

The nasolacrimal sulcus is the area bordering between the lower eyelid and the nose. With age, it tends to deepen - the eyes become tired.

Tired eyes

With age, there is a loss of fat in the cheek area and sagging of the middle third of the face. This leads to the appearance of desolation (hollows, furrows) of the skin under the eyes, giving the eyes a tired look. The nasolacrimal groove is the area between the lower eyelid and the nose. At a young age, this area is filled with fatty tissue. With age, the content of adipose tissue decreases and the retraction of the furrow increases, forming an ever larger shadow. As a result, the area of ​​skin between the eyelid and nose looks darker, making the eyes look tired.

Grade of progression of the nasolacrimal groove

Degrees of progression according to Hirmand (H. Anatomy and nonsurgical correction of the tear trough deformity. Plast Reconstr Surg 2010; 125 (2): 699-708)

Vascular factor

Violation of microcirculation in the skin around the eyes leads to the deposition of pigment - hemosiderin and melanin in the skin, which gives the skin a dark color and aggravates the appearance. Disruption of blood circulation and lymph drainage in the area around the eyes also causes puffiness under the eyes.

Anatomical features

The subcutaneous fatty tissue of the area around the eyes is prone to fluid retention and minor trauma, overexertion, disturbances in water and electrolyte metabolism in the body lead to puffiness or even puffiness around the eyes. This is significant and especially noticeable in the morning after sleep. In people of the oriental type, dark circles around the eyes are a congenital feature and are associated with increased deposition of pigment in this area.

Non-surgical methods

Correction can be performed by surgical and non-surgical methods. In our clinic, we offer a comprehensive approach to non-surgical correction of the periorbital sulcus.

Tear trough filler treatment

The most optimal and safe method for correcting the nasolacrimal sulcus is filling with a filler based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. In this case, after preliminary anesthesia of the skin, a preparation of hyaluronic acid is injected into the zone of the nasolacrimal groove with a syringe. Hyaluronic acid physiologically compensates for the deficiency of its own tissues, leveling the groove of the lacrimal zone. At the same time, the cosmetic defect is eliminated and the eyes look younger and rested the very next day. Depending on the anatomical features, the severity of the nasolacrimal groove, preparations of various densities and degrees of degradation are used. During the consultation, the doctor will tell you in detail about this. The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes, does not require special preparation and does not have a rehabilitation period.

Non surgical blepharoplasty

Neogen Plasma is another option to improve appearance eye area. Sagged skin, wrinkles dark circles under eye. We combine Neogen non surgical blepharoplasty and injectables to reach fantastic outcomes. Read more - Non surgical blepharoplasty.


  • The severity of the nasolacrimal groove 1-3 degrees
  • Tired eyes


  • severe somatic diseases in the acute stage
  • oncology
  • pregnancy
  • blood clotting disorder
  • exacerbation of herpes
  • inflammatory skin rashes

Preparing for the procedure

No special training required.

Recommendations after treatment

No special care required

Before and after photos

Tear trough filler treatment
Female, 37 years old. Tear trough filler treatment with hyaluronic acid.


Prices for tear trough filler treatment in Kiev

Purchase prices for injectables are subject to fluctuations and are linked to exchange rates, so we cannot display current prices. Please call our administrator to clarify prices. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Below is a list of the most commonly used fillers.

Belotero Soft, 1 mlcheck with the administrator60 minutes
Belotero Balance, 1 ml 60 minutes
Radiesse 0.8 ml 60 minutes
Radiesse, 1.5 ml 60 minutes
Teosyal Ultra Deep, Switzerland, 1 ml 60 minutes
Teosyal RHA1, 1 ml 60 minutes
Princess, Austria, 1 ml 60 minutes
Filderma, Spain, 1 ml 60 minutes
Cannula, 1 pc.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Does it hurt?

A local anesthetic is applied prior to the procedure to relieve pain.

Is it harmful?

Correction of the nasolacrimal groove is carried out with stabilized hyaluronic acid, which over time is destroyed and excreted from the body. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid last up to 12 months.

How long does the result last?

Results are saved for up to 12 months, then a second procedure is recommended.

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