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Photorejuvenation BBL Sciton in Kiev

Photorejuvenation BBL

Photoaging - skin aging due ultraviolet rays damage. The main features: fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, sunny lentigo, enlarged vascular (cuperosis).

Photorejuvenation BBL™

The BBL system emits powerful light energy of a certain range. Depending on the prevalence of a particular problem, the doctor will select the necessary range and power of the procedure. Light energy is absorbed by certain targets: in the case of pigmentation, the target is melanin, with dilated vessels (rosacea), hemoglobin is the target, with wrinkles the effect is directed to collagen and elastin.

In addition to eliminating photodamaging, photorejuvenation can slow down the process of skin aging


  • face and body photodamage
    • age spots (solar lentigo, freckles, etc.)
    • broken vessels
    • fine line
  • poikiloderma
  • enlarged pores
  • skin laxity
  • aging prevention


  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • photosensitizer
  • a tan
  • common severe somatic diseases

BBL Benefits

There are many broadband light systems on the market that are efficient and safe for the patient. It’s a paradox, at first glance, broadband light systems are technically simpler than laser systems, but as our practical experience shows, there are not so many powerful and efficient systems and they can be listed on the fingers.

After photorejuvenation treatment in progress

Recovery progress after photorejuvenation treatment. Day 0 - ephelids before the procedure; Day 3 after the procedure - age spots darkened by BBL; on Day 10 after treatment, the darkened pigment spots lightened. In subsequent procedures, pale pigment spots and those that were not treated in previous procedures will be lightened.

Sciton's BBL rejuvenation system, USA is the best system because it allows achieving results at capacities 2-3 times lower than on IPL systems, as a result of which BBL has a large safety margin with the same therapeutic effects (performance indicators). IPL systems cannot achieve such efficiency because they are forced to raise powers, which often causes burns, but not good results of the treatment. After a quality procedure, you will feel that the skin has changed for the better. This is noticeably fast enough - already two weeks after the treatment.

Sciton BBL is the only system in the world that has clinically proven skin rejuvenation results.

Preparation for the treatment

No special preparation required. The main requirement is the lack of fresh tan.

After the treatment

After the treatment, no special care is required. This is a lunch break procedure, which lasts 5-10 minutes, after which you can apply makeup and return to your daily activities. We recommend applying sunscreen SPF 30+. A doctor will familiarize you with the recommendations in more detail.

What to expect?

You will pigments spots and brocken vessels disappear during first days after treatment. Photorejuvenation is a treatment for those patients who want to prophylactically care for the skin, slowing down aging without negative effects on the body and would not like to resort to surgical interventions in the future, for those who are wary of invasive procedures and at the same time strives to look perfect.

With regular Forever Young BBL treatments, you can slow down aging and look much younger than your peers! Forever Young BBL differs from BBL photorejuvenation in more pronounced ANTI-AGING EFFECT. With regular procedures, there is a slowdown skin aging. If patients undergo a course of procedures from year to year, then their skin looks younger in comparison with peers. There are 10-year clinical studies that clearly demonstrate the slowdown of age-related processes in the skin. Read more in the Forever Young BBL section.

Rejuvenation of Gene Expression Pattern of Aged Human Skin by Broadband Light Treatment: A Pilot Study.

Anne Lynn S Chang,¹˴* Patrick H Bitter, Jr,² Kun Qu,¹ Meihong Lin,¹ Nicole A Rapicavoli,¹˴³ and Howard Y Chang¹˴³

J Invest Dermatol. 2013 Feb; 133(2): 394–402.
Опубликовано онлайн 30 августа 2012. doi: 10.1038/jid.2012.287
¹Department of Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Redwood City, California, USA
²Advanced Aesthetic Dermatology, Los Gatos, California, USA
³Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford, California, USA
*Department of Dermatology, Stanford University School of Medicine, 450 Broadway Street, MC 5334, Redwood City, California 94063, USA.

Before and after

Photorejuvenation and other treatments combination

Photorejuvenation is combined with all aesthetic procedures, it is only necessary to observe the correct sequence and intervals. There is an unfounded opinion that laser and photorejuvenation procedures, including, are not combined with injection techniques - fillers, dysport, botox and mesotherapy. We hasten to please our patients that there are clinical studies that prove BBL rejuvenation does not affect fillers. Therefore, the combination of photorejuvenation with other procedures, on the contrary, will allow, in addition to equalizing skin tone and texture, to obtain a complex aesthetic effect.

If injection procedures are expected, then first you should do a photorejuvenation course, and then injection procedures. If the injection methods are performed by the course, then it is recommended to undergo the procedure 14 days after the injection.

Photorejuvenation is combined with

  • Fractional laser resurfacing
  • Biorevitalization
  • Mesotherapy
  • Botox and Dysport
  • RF-treatment


Price for photorejuvenation in Kiev

Face (rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentation)4200 UAH30 min.
Cheeks (rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentation)2400 UAH30 min.
Nasolabial area (vascular)1300 UAH30 min.
Eye area1300 UAH30 min.
Nose + cheekbones "butterfly"2700 UAH30 min.
Neck (rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentation)2900 UAH30 min.
Face and neck (rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentation)5300 UAH60 min.
Decolette (rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentation)3100 UAH30 min.
Neck + decolette (rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentation)4900 UAH60 min.
Face, Neck, decolette (rejuvenation, vascular, pigmentation)6900 UAH60 min.
Back of the hands (rejuvenation, pigmentation)1800 UAH30 min.
Forearms3400 UAH30 min.
Shoulders3800 UAH30 min.
Full Hands5100 UAH30 min.
Vascular or pigmentation, area with palm size1800 UAH30 min.
Single pulse380 UAH10 мс


How many treatments will be needed?

It's necessary from 1 to 3 treatments to remove brocken vessels and hyperpigmentation,. This is individual and depends on the depth and prevalence of the process.

How fast will I see the results?

When removing blood vessels, you will immediately see the results - the disappearance or decrease in their number. The final results you can be evaluated at 10-14 days after the first treatment.

When removing age spots, the first results will be noticeable at 10-14 days.

What are photosensitizers?

Photosensitizers are substances that cause an increased sensitivity of the skin to visible and infrared light.

Photosensitizers can be pharmaceuticals grade: tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, aspirin, systemic antifungal drugs.

Plant photosensitizers: citrus fruits, St. John's wort, millet, buckwheat etc.

How long will the recovery period be?

It is individual and depends on the problem that you wish to solve. The rehabilitation period can last from 30-60 minutes in the form of redness after the procedure to 1-3 days in the form of slight swelling in the case of removal of a spilled vascular network (rosacea).

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