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Ultrasonic face cleaning
Venus Clinic

Ultrasonic face cleansing

Ultrasonic cleaning is an express procedure that delicately cleanses not only pores from blackheads, but also the surface of the skin of the face and body from accumulated impurities. It is performed using an ultrasonic scrubber.


  • sensitive skin
  • hygienic face cleaning
  • blackheads
  • milia (white dots)
  • seborrhea, oily skin
  • blemish prone skin
  • Follicular keratosis (goose bumps)

How is the ultrasonic cleansing work?

An ultrasonic scrubber is used for cleaning. Mechanical vibrations from 22,000 vibrations per second loosen and gently remove sebum accumulations from the pores, as well as exfoliate rough cells from the skin surface. The advantage of ultrasound cleaning is low trauma, so it is ideal for patients with sensitive skin, as well as in cases where mechanical cleaning with the extraction of milia and closed blackheads is not required.

 Ultrasonic face cleansing
Ultrasonic cleaning is performed on the gel. A special softening gel is applied before the procedure, which prepares the skin and softens blackheads before the procedure.

What is the difference between ultrasonic cleaning and other types of cleaning?

A distinctive feature of ultrasonic cleaning is that they remove impurities and hardened cells from the surface of the skin. In fact, this is a delicate ultrasonic peeling of the skin. Therefore, in addition to cleansing the pores, we will also receive a light mechanical peeling, which will also refresh the texture and color of the skin.


  • herpetic eruptions of the face
  • allergic dermatitis
  • demodicosis
  • stage 3-4 acne
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the treatment area and other skin diseases.

Preparing for the ultrasonic cleaning procedure

The procedure does not require any special training. It is important that there are no allergies, dermatitis and damage to the integrity of the skin.

Recommendations after the procedure

After ultrasonic cleansing, it is recommended to use moisturizing creams according to skin type to enhance and consolidate the effect. If you live in Kiev, we recommend that you undergo a facial treatment for your skin type in 1-2 weeks to achieve great results after ultrasonic face cleansing.

Which procedure can be combined with ultrasonic facial cleansing?

Ultrasonic cleaning is combined:


Prices for ultrasonic cleaning in Kiev

Combined face cleansing with an ultrasonic hydrogel scrubber1100 UAH120 minutes
Combined cleansing of the neckline with an ultrasonic hydrogel scrubber750 UAH90 minutes
Combined face + décolleté cleansing with an ultrasonic hydrogel scrubber1400 UAH120 minutes
Professional cleaning  
Combined face cleansing New with ultrasonic scrubber1500 UAH120 minutes
Combined cleaning New 1 zone (2 palms) with ultrasonic scraper1250 UAH120 minutes

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you get infected while cleaning?

No, our clinic sterilizes the instrument in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health. The beautician wears disposable gloves, and the skin is cleansed and treated with an antiseptic.

How many procedures will you need?

Each case is different. Sometimes this is one procedure. In some cases, facial cleansing is part of a comprehensive acne treatment. In such cases, the procedure can be of a certain frequency.

What cosmetics do you use?

We use the entire line from PCA Skin, USA, from softening gel to corrective and soothing serums.

What peels are best to combine cleansing with?

For problem skin prone to breakouts, the best solution is Jessner's peeling. We use Jessner peels from PCA Skin, USA - the legendary developer of Jessner's modified peel formulas. This is the # 1 peeling in the US.

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